Monday, August 22, 2011

Review: Arturo Fuente Magnum R Rosado Sungrown Vitola 54

Arturo Fuente Magnum R Rosado Sungrown Vitola 54

  • Price: ~$13
  • Size: 6 1/4 x 54
  • Wrapper: Sun Grown Ecuadorian
  • Time to Completion: ~75 minutes

Smoking Experience:

This smoke came as a nice break from a LONG and fantastic day. I had spent the day training in Krav Maga for the first time. So after 5+ hours of intense physical training, I really needed to kick back and relax. Some friends and I met up to have some drinks, smoke some cigars and play poker. This is basically heaven for me.

The cigar construction was fantastic, the draw was smooth and even, and the burn rate was consistent. It did go out on me about 3/4 of the way through, but in the cigars defense, I set it down and walked about for about 5 minutes or so while I got another drink and chatted with some friends.

I also won the poker tournament that night, so it was an amazing day.


This was a mild flavored cigar, but it was nice. It had a creamy nutty taste with some earthy undertones. My drink wasn't the best pair for it by a mile, so I'm sure i'm not doing the flavors much justice, but it wasn't bad at all. Towards the end of the smoke there was a noticeable sweetness to the smoke, but nothing overwhelming. This has been the best of the mild cigars I have smoked, and one I would smoke again without question.